Measurement of non-technological innovation in companies in the marble sector of the State of Puebla, using PLS-SEM
The main objective of the research was to analyze elements of non-technological innovation, prioritizing the variables of benefits and sacrifices between companies dedicated to marble and final customers to determine their degree of satisfaction and loyalty. For this purpose, it was used a quantitative, non-experimental cross-sectional research, in this 76 on-site surveys were applied in the municipalities of Tecali de Herrera and Tepeaca, in the state of Puebla. Data collection was carried out during the period from January to March 2024, the PLS-SEM (Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling) technique was used, the data collected were modeled in the Smart PLS software (version 3.3.2). The results demonstrated a good predictive capacity of the research model, a high degree of compensation was detected between the variables of customer satisfaction and loyalty to companies, in the same way it was demonstrated that the relationship between benefits and sacrifices influence the Customer satisfaction. The findings revealed that the estimates obtained for the model have a significant impact on customer loyalty. The results of this study will be useful for business owners to generate competitive strategies. Additionally, it is recommended to extend this study in other regions of the state by adding new variables.
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