A Small Change in the Ethics of the University Professor


This article reports the effect on the moral judgment of 36 university professors produced by an intervention based on the emotional discussion of moral dilemmas. For this, the moral judgment was assumed as a dependent variable, the pretest and the posttest of the intervention as an independent variable and the experiment was controlled by the covariance of age. The intervention size effect, the partial eta squared was zero. But the change in the moral judgment of the academics was positively small at 4.41 points. However, the corresponding value of age evidenced a median effect in the increase of moral judgment. In fact, it could be seen that the structure of moral reasoning in adults, like the academics studied, is still flexible, and not as immutable as has been reported in other investigations. In this sense, it is convenient to review emotional moral dilemmas considering age as part of the design of the dilemma.


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How to Cite
Robles-Francia, V. H. (2018). A Small Change in the Ethics of the University Professor. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 9(17), 535 - 549. https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v9i17.393
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