Concepts of success and failure from the perspective of students for teacher in training


This research analyzes how the social representations that the teaching group in formation are constructed, have regarding the concepts of school success or failure. It starts from the moment of teacher training, because it is there where the conformation of habitus is consolidated due the first practical experiences, the coexistence with experienced teachers and the exchange with the peer group in formation as well. To collect the data, an instrument was designed for the analysis of social representations of teachers in training, which was constituted by a scale of semantic differential that was presented to the participants in order to determine the social representation of successful and unsuccessful student. The results found allow us to conclude that there are consensus in the social representation of success and school failure oriented to continuous effort and persistent work. These results offer new possibilities to continue investigating this phenomenon, which can be compared with other populations and from other ways of understanding these concepts.


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How to Cite
López Gamboa, G. E., Cisneros-Cohernour, E. J., & Aguilar Riveroll, Ángel M. (2019). Concepts of success and failure from the perspective of students for teacher in training. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 9(18), 215- 233.
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