The Role of Knowledge in Productive Organizations: Theoretical Aspects and Reflections


Because knowledge is an indispensable means for the transformation of society, its approach from varied perspectives of science is relevant. The hypothesis that arises in this work is that access to knowledge is fundamental to understand the environment in which they live and thus overcome social and economic problems. In this sense, nations and productive organizations seek, from this knowledge, to develop their scientific and technological bases indispensable to achieve their goals of competitiveness. The present investigation has two fundamental objectives. First, it analyzes the meaning of knowledge in the general and in the specific. Secondly, it reflects on the decisive role that it has played in productive organizations through the perspective of the history of the economy and education. The work is structured as follows. The first section presents the conceptual and theoretical framework. The second emphasizes the role of knowledge, especially in the XVIII and XIX centuries. The third part studies the phenomenon in question from the 20th century to the present. The last part corresponds to the final considerations.


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How to Cite
Martínez Chapa, O. (2019). The Role of Knowledge in Productive Organizations: Theoretical Aspects and Reflections. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 9(18), 412 - 422.
Scientific articles