Educational Sequences: digitized teacher and the perceptions of teaching

  • Eduardo Dopico Rodríguez Universidad de Oviedo


University students preparing for the teaching practice is through external training, with the opportunity to compare the practical reality and procedural knowledge acquired in university classrooms. Across the desk, standing in the classroom, meet for the first time in front of children and teenagers sitting watching and waiting them of their ability to pass on knowledge using multiple sources of information. Drawing on this situation of internships, we present the results of an investigation based on the perception on teacher professional competition have 120 students, future teachers, in the field of primary and secondary education in Asturian schools to over 3 academic years. Interest to know the causal relationships and consider critically as they see and experience real teaching practices, as they think it is to educate today's digital age how teachers value the active role, the model curriculum, the teaching method, the actual possibilities for educational innovation and, ultimately, its own competence to meet the teaching-learning process with a-class.


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How to Cite
Dopico Rodríguez, E. (2015). Educational Sequences: digitized teacher and the perceptions of teaching. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 3(6), 126 - 150. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology