Territorial planning through the detection of boundary markers north of Mexico City

  • Ángel Moreno Navarro Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Ma. de los Ángeles Martínez Ortega Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Minerva Martínez Ortega Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial


At the beginning of Mexico City (CDMX), its territorial configuration was delimited by natural physical elements or by boundary marking through boundary markers, which are stone monoliths. With population growth, people settled in the limits of CDMX, modifying the territorial configuration planned at the beginning. On the other hand, there are political factors such as the configuration of the electoral districts that generated another new limit, this brought serious problems to the population since a duality arose in its delimitation and territorial definition, (on the one hand, being from CDMX and by another from the State of Mexico). The hypothetical assumption was that the lack of clarity in the territorial delimitation of some communities and the formation of electoral districts by the National Electoral Institute (INE) generated a double political division.  The objective of this work was to identify the importance of the application of urban planning and a clear territorial delimitation, through the detection of boundary markers. In addition to pointing out the impact caused in the studied community, as well as some conditions that had a direct impact. This research is mixed (quantitative-qualitative). On the one hand, the identification of the territorial limits defined in the “CDMX Territory Law” was carried out through the location of the boundary markers, contrasting with the limits of the electoral roll cartography. of the INE, showing a territorial duality, as indicated in the hypothesis. Once the difference was found, some very negative consequences could be shown for the population studied. It was detected that the properties affected by this duality present specific problems by not having basic services, as well as identity, being in the limits of a mayor's office and a municipality at the state level.


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How to Cite
Moreno Navarro, Ángel, Martínez Ortega, M. de los Ángeles, & Martínez Ortega, M. (2024). Territorial planning through the detection of boundary markers north of Mexico City. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v15i29.2093
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