Factors that influence the competitiveness of SMEs from the perspective of employers in the manufacturing sector in Mexico
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are a basic unit for the growth of countries because they are generators of wealth and work that represent approximately 99% of all companies worldwide. In Mexico, SMEs make up 97% of the companies. companies considered national (INEGI, 2020), this business segment provides advantages to the economy because they generate employment, income and regional development. This study analyzes the factors that influence the competitiveness of SMEs from the perspective of job generators. Following a qualitative methodology to understand the phenomenon, the type of scope is descriptive and according to the time of the realization it is transversal, for this research a type of non-probabilistic convenience sampling was implemented where 15 employers from different SMEs belonging to the manufacturing sector located in the area of the Hidalgo highlands, Mexico, from which the importance of human capital in the competitiveness of the company is reaffirmed as long as they adopt the business culture with management practices for sustainability in the same way it verifies that the integration of results, skills, capabilities and business strategies best define the competitive advantage in SMEs in the manufacturing sector.
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