Subjective responses to cyberbullying through mobile phones: a study into secondary school adolescents
This article is divided into two sections: the first is a theoretical review of the widespread reach of the internet throughout the world in recent years, identifying its risks and benefits mainly focusing on the adolescent population. Further to this, we explore the development and proliferation of smartphones, as well as the subjective reasons these electronic devices are essential for the establishment of interpersonal relationships in cyberspace. On this basis, and as an intrinsic effect of a connectionist culture typical of contemporary young people, we examine studies aimed at characterizing cyberbullying through mobile phones. The second part offers the findings of a study conducted on a sample of 126 adolescents between 13 and 17 years old, belonging to a public secondary school in the state of Campeche, Mexico. For this, the Cyberbullying Questionnaire (Ortega, Calmaestra and Mora 2007) was used, to which some modifications were made. The first objective of the research was to identify the existence of cyberbullying through the cell phone. The results show that of the 126 respondents, 27% reported having been harassed by the mentioned device during the last two months. Likewise, and to fulfill the second objective of this work (that is, to know the subjective responses to cyberbullying), the data corresponding to the items elaborated was analyzed to investigate the feelings and actions of the students facing this situation. In this regard, the most significant results show that 55% of the participants reported feeling sad, helpless and lonely before this phenomenon, while 62% decided to talk about their experience with other people.
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