Towards an inclusive economy: inclusive growth indicators for msmes in Mexico
Microenterprises in Mexico are a key point in the economy due to their contribution of more than 90% to the labor force, so they also seek to contribute to the achievement of inclusive economic growth, which reduces inequalities and guarantees equal opportunities. For this purpose, a quantitative and cross-sectional research was conducted with the objective of analyzing the indicators of microenterprises that influence inclusive economic growth in Mexico, the sample was 497 microenterprises. A Logit and Probit econometric model was performed and among the results it was found that the main indicators that generate inclusion and increase income are: 1) Including women in the workforce, 2) Investing a considerable initial amount, 3) Having a professional to do the accounting, 4) Carrying out digital marketing by e-mail and payment in social networks, 5) Communicating personally and through social networks. Therefore, it is concluded that these points should be implemented constantly in microenterprises and permanently consider digital tools such as e-mail and WhatsApp, to achieve inclusive economic growth that benefits the whole Mexican society.
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