Public spending on education for the formation of human capital: The experience of Mexico
Governments need to make significant investments to develop human capital with a view to achieving greater economic growth. In this work, public spending on human capital was analyzed, specifically in relation to education, an important issue among those countries that make up the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), among which is Mexico. The hypothesis proposed is that governments that allocate significant public spending in accordance with the needs for the formation of human capital improve the well-being of their citizens. This is a theoretical and documentary investigation with an explanatory approach and it uses data from the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), the OECD and the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC). The results showed that although more resources have been allocated in Mexico over time, this spending still needs to be deepened, specifically to expand coverage and modernize its infrastructure. It was concluded that there was a need to prioritize a larger budget, in addition to significant improvements in the quality of educational services.
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