RIDE Iberoamerican Journal for Educational Research and Development is an international academic publication, indexed, peer-reviewed blindly in electronic format edited by the Center for Studies and Research for Educational Development CENID A.C., with a multidisciplinary orientation. The  focus is to publish original scientific university texts that focus on the confluence of the thematic areas of research and development in education. In addition, the journal aims to be a platform for the dissemination of relevant editorial news in this same field.

RIDE is designed to disseminate the work of academics, researchers, teachers, professionals, technicians and postgraduate students interested in the theoretical and practical aspects of models and interventions whose main objective is to improve their educational and training practices in educational institutions. It is aimed at researchers, specialists, professors and undergraduate and postgraduate students related to the educational field.

It is open to all developments in the educational sciences. Its mission is to provide scientific support for the discussion and design of public policies in the education sector, educational management and classroom teaching based on the evidence generated by research.

At RIDE, ethical guidelines and practices constitute an essential part of the editorial culture, good ethical practices are encouraged and cared for, as well as the detection and eradication of editorial malpractice, this is supported by the Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publications (COPE).

Since November 2017, it is part of the Index of Mexican Journals of Scientific and Technological Research of the Conacyt